Real People.
Authentic Data.
Deeper Insights.

Your Trusted Market Research Partner
with panels across 5+ countries.

We employ technology driven solutions to deliver authentic data essential for your research.

Real Data. Real People

Well defined processes, recruiting procedures and technology driven solutions to ensure authentic responses.

Strong Healthcare Panel

Meticulously built healthcare panel profiled by speciality, experience, ailments, and practice types.

Market Research Solutions

Build surveys, panels, opt-in websites, databases and generate reports by using our market research software solutions.

Panel Building

Looking to build an audience for your research surveys? We have you covered with our rich experience in building hard-to-reach audiences.

Data Collection

Recruit tailored audiences using our panels, recruitment methodologies for both qualitative and quantitative research studies.

Quality Data.
Verified Panelists.

At Tachyon Research, we employ a seven step process of recruiting a potential panelist. At each step, the information provided by the panelist is thoroughly scrutinized, verified to ensure panel credibility, quality and authenticity of the communities we build.

Double Opt-in Panelists
ESOMAR & GDPR compliant
Anything You Need

Recruit tailored audiences to match your research requirements.

Over 500+ Studies Conducted

We have now conducted more than 75 healthcare studies this year in over 7 countries.

Access DoctoBuzz

DoctoBuzz is an online community of physicians and healthcare professionals across 7+ countries. A single platform for HCPs to provide their medical insights, perspectives through surveys which aide in the research, advancement, development of pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices. Gain access to our community members by reaching out to us for your healthcare research studies.

Worldwide access to HCPs
Experts across 20+ specialties